Mediation Training – 40 hour (5 day), 25 CPD points | Polokwane (Payment option available)
Name of training program applied for :Mediation Training – 40 hour, 25 CPD points. Developing Conflict Management and Mediation Skills in a Family Law context.
Date of training program : 28 March 2022 – 1 April 2022 (5 days in total)
Start time: 08:00 every day
Place / venue of presentation : Polokwane / Venue to be confirmed
Course Costs: R 6 000 (Pay Online Via Payfast) – PAYMENT OPTIONS AVAILABLE. Please send an email to info@tmsafri.com to make arrangement.
In this short course; the training is specifically designed for Family Law and Divorce Mediators such
as social workers, psychologists, attorneys, advocates and court officials. Students will be trained in basic mediations skills, family law and divorce modules. The course consist of theoretical aspects and practical training such as drafting of parenting plans,
maintenance and division of asset calculations and will include various role play exercises to build
student capacity and confidence when dealing with real-life mediation situations
Book and Pay Online (via Payfast). See REGISTER BUTTON BELOW or RIGHT SIDE BAR
Please download and complete this form in BLOCK LETTERS and sign on last page.
Please submit a copy of the documents below, your completed application and proof of payment to info@tmsafri.com
- Proof of HPCSA/SACSSP registration
Banking Details: TMS Africa (PTY) Ltd, FNB account no: 628 237 19979, Branch code 210 835.
Terms and Conditions Apply – see terms here.